Elm Academy


Maths Strategy

Maths intent, implementation and impact

Maths Calculation Policy

At Elm Academy, we aim to ensure all pupils are proficient mathematicians. We want to create a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help pupils to achieve excellence. A clearly structured teaching and learning process based on real life applications for mathematical concepts ensures that children master each mathematical concept securely and deeply. For each year group, the curriculum is broken down into core concepts and taught in units. A unit divides into smaller learning steps which are delivered in daily lessons. Step by step, strong foundations of cumulative knowledge and understanding are built.

We use White Rose Hub & NCETM to support with planning and resources and mostly follow their overview for each year group, making adjustments based on regular Assessment for Learning.

Please click on the links below to see the Maths Overview for the school:

Maths CurriculumReception Maths Curriculum

Calculation Policy

Maths Progression of Skill

Every year we participate in NSPCC Number Day to promote pupils’ understanding of the charity itself and to encourage pupils to explore numbers in a different way. The pupils thoroughly enjoy dressing up in number related costumes and taking part in maths challenges.
