Elm Academy


Music Intent, Implementation and Impact

Music Strategy

Whole School Music progression including key skills and concepts

At Elm we believe that through playing, singing, creating and performing, children will develop confidence, communication skills, thinking and creative skills and improve their emotional well-being. Children will build on skills that we encourage through our school Character Awards such as resilience, courage, adaptability and commitment when creating performances. Music lessons are lively and interactive and aim to foster a passion for music in children of all abilities.

The children participate in singing, tuned and untuned percussion work, composition, and listening to live and recorded music. All children are taught the skills to be able to compose using musical instruments. When the children are in Year 3 and 4, musical notation is taught through the learning and playing of recorders and children across school are taught correct musical terminology e.g. rhythm, melody, pitch, dynamics.

Children are consistently given the opportunity to apply their learning through extra-curricular activities such as choir club and regular performances put on by KS2 pupils. These include pantomimes, regional and national competitions (J Rock &Dance Live) and end of year performances.