Elm Academy

Breakfast Club

At Elm we offer a daily breakfast club run by qualified staff who organise and run a range of fun activities and play opportunities in a safe and secure environment where children can meet their friends and make new ones.

The children have a choice of cereals, toast, drinks, fruit.

The current cost is £4.00 which is paid via Parentpay. There is an option to book in advance or you can use when and if it is required. Payment has to be prompt.

What are the benefits of a Breakfast Club?

By offering a balanced meal, a safe and stimulating environment and social and emotional support to young people breakfast clubs have repeatedly reported the following benefits:

  • improved behaviour, attendance and punctuality
  • increased concentration, therefore potentially achievement
  • reduced bullying through increased cross-age/peer-group communication
  • improved social skills and confidence to interact with children and adults alike
  • increased understanding of the importance of a healthy eating regime and energy balance
  • renewed interest in curriculum subjects