Elm Academy

Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education

PSHE intent

PSHE Curriculum Overview

Through PSHE & RSE provision, we develop our children’s self-confidence and self- esteem so that they believe that they can succeed in all elements of school and future life: fostering respect and tolerance for others in the diverse world in which we live; nurturing a sense of belonging and responsibility within different communities; securing understanding of safety; developing their understanding of self so that they feel empowered and enabled to make considered choices.

We deliver the PSHE Association and the DfE Relationships Education and Health Education objectives using Kapow Primary as a teaching and planning tool to deliver high quality, interactive and engaging PSHE lessons. Our approach takes into account the diverse nature of families in which our children live. LGBT and same sex families are carefully discussed in an age appropriate way to ensure that tolerance and respect are fostered.

As part of our PSHE & RSE teaching we do introduce the changing body to pupils in Year 4, 5 & 6. These lessons are statutory however, each year we organise a parent meeting for parents/carers to have the chance to see the videos we will be sharing with our pupils so they feel well informed. We also teach pupils about conception and child birth in year 6. These lessons are not statutory and every year we give parents the opportunity to watch the videos the children will be seeing before they decide if they would like to exercise their right to withdraw their child from these lessons.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

RSE teaching at Elm teaches children to develop values, attitudes, personal and social skills, and increase their knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and choices when they are adults. Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage.

Why do we teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)?

There are four main aims of teaching RSE:

  • To empower children to be safe and safeguarded.
  • To enable children to understand and respect their bodies
  • To help children develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development
  • To support children to have positive self-esteem and body image

Elm chooses to teach Sex Education, and Section 405 of the Education Act 1996 provides the right of parental withdrawal from the RSE provided at school except for those parts included in the National Curriculum. The Science curriculum in all maintained schools also includes content on human development, including reproduction, which there is no right to withdraw from. 

RSE updates

Year 1 RSE Statutory Requirements

Year 2 RSE Statutory Requirements

Year 3 RSE Statutory Requirements

Year 4 RSE Statutory Requirements

Year 5 RSE Statutory Requirements

Year 6 RSE Statutory Requirements